General FAQs

Is FA’s matric certificate recognised?

Your matric certificate is issued by the exact same authority that issues the certificates for full-time public and independent school learners.

Since the certificate is issued by Umalusi, it is fully recognised by all registered Higher Education Institutions in South Africa and international universities.

Since 2015 – many of our students have gone on to study at top universities in the country after completing their National Senior Certificate. Please remember though that universities may set subject specific admission requirements.

Is Futures Academy a free school?

We are an independent school and do not receive subsidies from the government; tuition payments are required.

Our courses are charged per subject and pricing depends on whether a learner chooses live classes for all their online courses. The average pricing ranges between R16,000 – R21,000 per year for grades 7-11.

Grade 12 fees vary between R25,000 – R30,000

Will my child sit in front of a computer all day?

It is reasonable to assume that you may spend 40-60% of your learning engagement time in our online learning environment.

What type of students attend Online High School?

Part-time students – enroll for 1 or more subjects either because their own school doesn’t offer the subject, or to obtain credits to complete their National Senior Certificate, or to improve their marks to gain acceptance into a job or university (accredited)

Students who want to take subjects as tuition or want to explore other subjects

Students who want flexibility to explore life, travel, participate in internships, catch up on more than one grade in a year, or who are working.

Do I still need books or textbooks?
What type of computer equipment do I need?

NSC Exam Registration FAQs

Do you charge exam fees for grade 12 exams?
Which exam body do learners write under?

Futures Academy is a registered independent school with the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) EMIS No. 0100000636.

Youth Academy for Leadership Excellence (YaleSA) is a registered distance education provider with the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI) and can therefore provide valid School Based Assessment marks toward the National Senior Certificate, and provide syllabus for the subjects it offers.

Both YaleSA and its affiliate Futures Academy offer recognized and registered site based assessments, tuition and registration for the National Senior Certificate. Depending on the learner’s individual background, requirements, affordability and aspirations – the learner may be registered in either of the Academies. This will be clearly marked and identified upon enrollment and consultation with the learner.

Where do learners write their final matric exams?